The beautiful thing about being an artist is that there are no limits and I can choose what is right or wrong and interesting in itself.  I like to play with already existing environments on my canvases, allowing people to see how else they could potentially be seen. 

Color is an amazing attribute to all of my thoughts.  I like to play with those preconceptions in my landscapes and see how far my viewers can stretch their imaginations.  The co-existence of different color combinations in nature, and artificially created in cities, is fascinating and touching in so many ways.  There is in my mind no wrongdoing in changing a green to a blue if I feel like it reflects my reality.  Color is a function of its surroundings, not its audience.

I am a firm believer that we all don’t see, appreciate and value the same things.  By creating these new landscapes that don't exist I would like to help people think and appreciate their surroundings more.  Playing with different colors and adding sometimes two or three landscapes all on one canvas creates a new world of its own, which hasn't been seen before, and that's what motivates my art.  Having traveled so many beautiful places makes it hard to decide where I want my paintings to be. 

It has never been my goal to replicate something already existing. Rather, to create something that not everyone has thought of before.  I believe that we are all different in our ways of absorbing our world and sometimes we live in places too long to see them for what they are. Or how they look.  I believe art is there to make people hold on for a second, think about what this person, painter or sculptor was thinking about, while doing it. 

As an artist, I confront myself constantly with one work that needs to be created and there is no one else who would do it the same way.  Having this knowledge makes me criticize and doubt the object itself.  But letting it go after a while and moving on to the next piece gives me an amazing satisfaction.  

We are all overwhelmed by influences of our fast changing surroundings. It makes it sometimes hard to absorb them properly and I would like to create a feeling with my colors that are very expressive and defined and might touch its viewers.